5 salários de atores da série 'Stranger Things', da Netflix

Os atores tem ganhado cada vez mais notoriedade. (Divulgação/Netflix)
Os atores tem ganhado cada vez mais notoriedade. (Divulgação/Netflix)

Os atores acabaram se tornando bastante conhecidos após o grande sucesso da série.

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"Stranger Things" se tornou uma das séries mais populares da Netflix. O elenco composto por adolescentes e crianças é muito bem remunerado para gravar as cenas deste grande sucesso que é ambientando nos anos 1980. Os salários dos atores são calculados por cada episódio e podem sofrer variação.


Winona Ryder

Interpretando a personagem Joyce na série, a atriz ganha um bom salário para passar por todas as preocupações e sustos durante as gravações. A estrela fatura em média US$ 350 mil por episódio.


David Harbour

O policial Jim Hopper se tornou um dos personagens mais amados da série após o final de terceira temporada. Ele, assim como sua colega de trabalho, ganha cerca de US$ 350 mil por episódio.

Ver essa foto no Instagram

Feelin’ cute, may delete later. Do what these @beardseason guys tell ya to below and at beardseason.com. Get checked early for skin cancer. And thanks for the nice pic @mrelbank , jet lag, good lighting and some retouching does wonders, don’t it? ———- Posted @withrepost • @beardseason This is @DkHarbour by @MrElbank.⁣ A superbly timed portrait. ⁣ ⁣ Not only because he stars as Hopper from @StrangerThingsTV which literally just launched its third season, breaking records and captivating tens of millions of people around the world, but because he’s sporting a seriously magnificent #beard. A beard which can now save lives...⁣ ⁣ David wrote to us a few months ago wondering if we had any recommendations for barbers in New York for a beard trim. ⁣ ⁣ After picking up my phone (and jaw) from the ground, I tried my best to line up some leads. He was such a nice bloke and it was awesome to know he appreciated our cause and what we were doing as a charity. So, I dropped the question... would he like to become a #BeardSeasonAmbassador, and if so, would he be keen to mark the appointment with a portrait by @MrElbank. ⁣ ⁣ It was a long shot. ⁣ Firstly he’s based in the states and secondly, he’s one of the most popular actors in the world right now, so we counted ourselves lucky to just be chatting.⁣ ⁣ I sent him a link to Brock’s work (which of course he loved), and as fate would have it he would be in London in July. Like so many moments for #BeardSeason the planets were aligned. Wes was up there pulling strings for us again... ⁣ ⁣ And this, is the phenomenal result.⁣ Such an honour to be able to work with such talented people, helping us Champion the early detection of melanoma - one of the world’s deadliest cancers. ⁣ ⁣ If everyone who sees this photo visits their GP or #dermatologist for a #BeardSeasonSkincheck, and shows their support at beardseason.com - we’re going to save a lot of lives. Now that’s how you #BeardWithPurpose. 🙌🧔🏻🙌

Uma publicação compartilhada por David Harbour (@dkharbour) em


Millie Bobby Brown

É impossível falar sobre "Stranger Things" sem citar uma de suas personagens mais importantes, Eleven. A misteriosa garotinha rapidamente conquistou um grupo de amigos e os telespectadores e ganha o mesmo que David e Winona, faturando por episódio US$ 350 mil.

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